Dear VMS Parents,

Welcome (back) to Village Montessori School!  The staff and I are so very pleased to be back for a new school year.  The returning children have resumed where they left off both socially and academically.  The new children’s responses vary: some are excited, with barely a backward glance at drop-off, while others are still adjusting.  If yours is of the latter persuasion, don’t be dis-heartened… it really does get better. At drop-off, be confident and assure your little one that you’ll be back to pick her up after [insert applicable activity of the day].  Lingering never helps so leave as soon as you’re able, and remember, the staff are always ready to help.  And of course, if you’re concerned, call the office later; Kate or I will be happy to check on your child and let you know how he’s doing.

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Another summer almost over, another delightfully fun Summer Program complete.  We close for two or three weeks at the end of summer to take care of some much deserved maintenance...

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It wasn’t long into the new school year before the staff noticed how quickly the children, and subsequently our routine, settled in. And for that, we’re grateful. We’re also grateful for a wonderful group of new and returning parents who support our efforts to guide their children to become well-rounded individuals - socially, emotionally and academically. It doesn’t take Thanksgiving to recognize how blessed we are here at VMS!

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